Thursday 27 June 2013

Saying Good-bye: Perhaps the Hardest Day of my Life

            It’s over. It’s so hard to say and believe, but it’s true. After two years of after-school programs, today was the last day. I look back on the time I had with these kids and I regret the days I missed. I regret the moments I lost my temper. I regret the opportunities I didn’t take to tell them that I love them or to just give them all hugs. But despite the regrets, I am so thankful for the way things went. So full of praise to God for the lives that He not only changed, but rescued. The majority of the kids in the club are now called sons and daughters of God, and I cannot think of anything more exciting to have been able to be a part of!
            The biggest lesson I have learned here is that God works through us when we are obedient, not when we are strong. I went into this with weak Spanish and very little experience with Ecuadorian culture and teaching a group of kids this size. But time and time again God showed me that I am never the one who does the work. He does it through me and all He asks is that I follow His lead. That can be hard to do. I felt that God was leading me into the dark. But now that I have seen the things God does when we follow Him, no matter how He leads, I know I will be much more prepared to do it again in the future.
            After two years of doing the club we finally finished our walk through the Old Testament. I was inspired by the Walk Through the Bible series that I learned as a kid. I wasn’t about to try and translate all that into Spanish so I made up my own as I went. After teaching every book we would choose a key phrase and an action to summarize the book. Little by little we added books on until they finally could say all of the books of the Old Testament in order and know the basics of what happens in that book. Here’s a video I took of the kids saying all the books of the Old Testament together. The camera drifts off to the side because I was too focused on trying to help them through the Minor Prophets.

            Today was the last day of the club. I really hyped it up in my mind. Last year the kids cried when I went home, and they knew I was coming back. I cried too. It was hard knowing that I was going to leave them for a couple of months. I anticipated that today was going to be at least as hard. No amount of preparation could have left me ready to face what happened today.
            There was no homework time. I decided to let the kids just play and eat and have a good time. So they played soccer and did puzzles while I was in the kitchen making food for them all. All 25 of the kids came, which was a huge relief. It was great to be able to see them all one last time.
            There were a few hick-ups during the day. The worst was when Alex hit his face into Luis’ head really hard. His teeth were bleeding, his lip was split, and blood was pouring out of his nose for over 5 minutes. The grass was soaked in his blood. He made a full recovery however and within a half an hour he was back to normal. We all ate and played bucket ball, and then it was time for my surprise.
            The kids are horrible at trying to keep surprises. They would scream whenever I got close to the classroom. They made badges for everyone that said “Happy Robbie Day,” and they filled the tables with all sorts of snacks and a cake. It was touching. It was even more touching that they ate ALL of it and I didn’t get any. They even ate the left over cake while I washed their dishes. Haha. They may be considerate for kids, but they are still kids.

With my birthday cake.

All the goodies they brought for my birthday.

Cutting a cake into 25 pieces is hard to do!

While I washed the dishes I felt nothing. It was like it was just another day. A couple of the kids came into the kitchen and casually said good-bye and gave me a hug. After I noticed that they were all about to just leave I quickly called them all together just to say a few final words.
Bad idea.
As I started to say good-bye and tell them how much I love them and how much God loves them, they started to cry. That was it. The emotions I thought were not going to show up were there full force. My chin started to quiver first. Then I couldn’t talk as my throat closed up. Finally, my eyes got hot and filled with tears as I told them how little I wanted to leave them. For the next half hour I cried as I cleaned up and took long pauses to hug a group of kids as they cried into my shirt. They stood around in groups sobbing with each other and hugging each other. Every time I walked by they’d say, “Robbie, please don’t go!” My heart broke because I knew I was breaking their hearts. I will never forget the sound of 25 kids all crying and wailing at the same time. I thought it was never going to end. I thought I was never going to stop crying.

Starting to say good-bye

I went through the club closing it up door by door. Every time I went into a room there was a new group of kids crying and a new group of kids to hug and cry with. I gathered up my things and we all went over to the door. I had the kids that were still there (we were now an hour overtime, so some had already rushed home) stand at the door and I took a short video of them all and a picture. Prepare to have your heart broken.

This might be the saddest picture I have ever seen in my life! Look at all their individual faces!

Then I gave them all a hug, one at a time and said good-bye. I looked at them all, said, “ I love you all so much,” and I turned around and walked away. Walked away as I listened to them crying behind me. Walked away knowing that most of these kids I am not going to see again this side of eternity. Walked away, and left my heart there on the doorstep to that piece of land. The land where God showed me who He was, and where 21 kids decided that His love was worth giving up their lives for.
When I got off the bus two hour later my phone rang. It was Alex calling to ask where I was. He passed the phone to his sister Sarahi who wanted to tell me how much she missed me. I couldn't help but think about how I sent all the kids home in tears. Their dirty faces with clean streaks down the cheeks from crying so much. Their parents probably had them call to try to get them to stop crying. But it was nice hearing their voices. A reminder that in this day and age we are never far from the people we love. In a couple of years these kids will probably be adding me on Facebook.
While good-byes are hard, they are often necessary. When I left Canada the first time I thought that was hard. But now I know that I have never loved as much as I loved these kids. And that love was the direct result of God’s love for me. I told myself everyday that I was there to be Christ to them. That meant I needed to try to see them the way God sees us, and boy did that change my perspective. I found a heart I never knew I had.
I’m going back to Canada in a few weeks, and the future is uncertain. It’s even a little scary. But I am going to move forward ready to love hard and follow Christ to the places I’m scared to go. I'm ready for this because God has shown me His faithfulness. God has shown me how He accomplishes things. And if you have ever experienced God actively doing something through you, you can’t help but want more.

My God is so great! And I hope for those of you who have been following what has been happening down here that you too have seen the greatness of God! Let’s give Him our all, because when He has all of us is when we learn what it means to truly live!

Tuesday 4 June 2013

The Fruit Just Keeps Coming!

God just keeps on going. I am truly astounded right now!

I found out about a week ago that a lady who was coming from the states was also bringing down Bibles for all the kids who got saved. What I didn't know was that her visit was going to snowball with blessings that I couldn't have imagined.

Over the weekend I also found out that a family of 6 and a friend of theirs were arriving in Quito from Ontario and they were interested in coming out to the club for a day. Seeing as I was already going to have the lady from the US visiting on Tuesday I decided to invite the whole crew along!

Yesterday (Monday) morning I received a call from a friend and found out that Samaritan's Purse was going to give shoe boxes to all my kids again this year, even though they were not giving in this province (they do a different province every year. Turns out that the lady from the US had connections with Samaritan's Purse and God used her to get this amazing donation). So what was going to be a simple visit with one person and giving out Bibles, became an event with 11 guests, shoe boxes, food, desserts, presents, Bibles, and a whole lot more!

Shirley and Vanessa with their new Illustrated Bibles
Trying desperately to get their attention while I give the gospel. Should have given out the presents AFTER. Haha
With our shoe boxes! Thank-you Samaritan's Purse!!

At the end of the club we were cleaning up and I went over to the kids who were all still looking through their gifts. I knew that Ariel wanted to talk to me about salvation and I made a general call, "Who wants to come and talk with me about Christ?"

4 kids came.

We went into the classroom, talked about salvation, and, with almost no hesitation, they all decided that it was time to give Christ everything!
Ariel was a little hesitant, but in the end he decided it was time (this was the third time he stayed after to talk to me about Christ).

I am very wary about just having the kids pray and calling them "saved." That can easily create a false sense of security. There are too many people who would rather see the numbers than spend the time making sure the kids understand. But I am very clear with them. I ask them all personal questions about where salvation is found and the cost of that salvation. While they know they cannot earn it, I make it clear that it is going to cost them their lives. That is where the rubber hits the road. Are they ready to give up the rest of their lives for Christ?

For Matias, Leidy, Ariel, and Sarahi, yes they were. Jesus is too valuable a treasure to leave behind.



On the ride home we were rejoicing together in God's goodness. It amazes me the way He chose to work things out. How He timed everything. How now, at the end of my two years here, He decided to give fruit. Someone asked me how many kids have come to Christ. I pulled out a list an counted. Out of the 25 kids in the club, 20 have made confessions of faith since December. 16 of them in the last three weeks alone!

Here is where I ask for prayer! There are only 5 kids in the club who have still not decided to follow Christ. Alex, Karen, Marco, Julieth, and Mateo. While a few of these kids are very young (Mateo is only 4), Alex and Karen in particular have shown interest, but always decide not to commit. Please pray for them! Pray for the families of all the kids that have decided to live for Christ. May they be examples to their family and friends.
Also please please PLEASE pray that someone will step in to care for the spiritual needs for these children. Sometimes I think that perhaps I should stay and do it. God is faithful and hears our prayers. Pray for this please!
Sometimes I think that if anyone decides to take over that I would just be amazed. I constantly think it is hopeless. But God has shown that He is a God of miracles. I am praising Him tonight!

Tuesday 28 May 2013

A Quicky but a Goody

Hey everyone!
I was overwhelmed with the response to my last blog, and that's how it should be! God has done some amazing work lately and I love celebrating with all of you.
This is just an update on what has happened in the past couple weeks.

The thing that has amazed me most is the way the kids have been transformed. They are all still coming, even when I missed a day, they were all there the next day and no complaining. The biggest difference I see is in Shirley. She is not as shy as before. She laughs more and talks more. It really is a beautiful sight. Also, Luis Sayay who was one of the last kids to accept Christ has made leaps and bounds in only a short time. He is normally silent. He smiles and does his homework, but he keeps to himself. I often have a hard time even getting him to talk to me which can be very frustrating. Today during Student of the Day, Luis VOLUNTEERED to pray OUT LOUD on front of EVERYONE for the student of the day!! I was very impressed. Perhaps prayer means more to him now than before, I don't know. But it was shocking!

Today I talked to the kids some more about following Christ. I reminded them that now is the time to make the decision. Two kids stayed after again. Santiago (who is Katerine's older brother) and Kevin (who's brother is Luis Fernando) both stayed behind, and so did all their cousins and siblings who have already accepted Christ. It was obvious that they stayed behind at the urging of their relatives. In fact, Luis asked me if people could stay behind after to talk and I said, "yes, but you accepted Christ last week. What do you want to talk to me about?" He simply pointed at his brother.

So with Kevin and Santiago seated in front of me (and all the cousins and siblings around them) we talked about faith in Christ. The most interesting thing about it was that, because all the relatives were so excited about it they kept answering all my questions with enthusiasm. I had to tell them to be quiet and let Kevin and Santiago answer a few.

Both Santiago and Kevin accepted Christ today, which brings the total in two weeks to 12, and the total since I started here to 17!! The blessings keep on coming!


Please keep praying for these kids! And please pray for the future of the club. I have been informed that is someone doesn't take over it will be closed by the end of the summer. I do have a potential option right now, so please pray for guidance on this.

Saturday 25 May 2013

Reaping a Harvest

            This is another one of those updates I am giddy about writing. I’m giddy about it not because I think it will impress anyone, but because it shows how faithful God is!
            It all started when a group of friends decided to come down here on a missions trip to help me with the club and to encourage me. I cannot tell you how excited I was to have some of my best friends coming down because they value me and the work that God is doing here.
            In preparation for their arrival I worked hard over the past few months introducing English vocabulary to the kids so that they could ask for the school supplies they needed to borrow from me in English. I also taught them all to introduce themselves in English, giving their name and age. It wasn’t much, but the kids LOVED being able to communicate with the team when they got here.
            In the weeks prior to the team arriving I started getting concerned. Attendance went way down. I had maybe 15 kids on any given day. Sometimes as few as 8 or 10. I am firm with the rules I have set, because many of the kids lack structure at home. One of those rules is that if you miss too many times you are out of the club and not allowed back in. It sounds rough, but it is the only way to get the kids to keep coming faithfully. I was praying a lot about it, but I was very worried. I literally begged the kids to keep coming. Kids that I should have cut from the club for their poor attendance would have to listen to a 5 minute speech from me every time I saw them as I tried to convince them that they needed to keep coming, if not for me, for the group that was coming all the way from Canada!
            On the last day of the club before the group came I had the oddest line-up of events. As I walked to the club from the bus stop I ran into three kids that I removed from the club. One of those girls I had removed from the club in September for never coming and for bad behaviour. As I walked with them down the street and talked to them I felt led to invite them back to the club for this one week. Only one of the three ended up coming. Johanna. And she brought her two brothers and their friend.
            Then as I was doing the club that day a girl arrived at the door who I haven’t seen in months. Wendy accepted Christ in December but soon after that told me in tears that she wasn’t going to be able to come any more and she disappeared. Well there she was at the door. She just wanted to say hi. I talked to her a bit, and while I was feeling led to invite her to the club, I didn’t out of fear that I might magically have too many kids the next week. She walked away and I regretted it. But she was back in 20 minutes and I invited her and her brother back. They both came all week.
            Kids who had hardly been coming to the club were there that last day and by the time Monday came around and the group was here we had 27 kids! Praise God!
            The group got here and home with no hitches. Nothing bad happened the entire time they were here. There was no drama, no fighting, no complaining. In fact, I cannot imagine a more easy-going group. I was nervous that I wasn’t going to be able to entertain them well enough, but I don’t think they could have cared less. I spent the entire week laughing with them and enjoying every moment. Cassandra, John, Keith, Kelvin, Mackenzie and Steve (alphabetical order so as not to show favoritism), you guys were a HUGE blessing to me and to the kids and I cannot thank you enough for coming down!
            The group planned puppet shows for different parables of Jesus. Every day we did 2 or 3 parables and then one of the group members would say something about the parables and either Steve or I would translate. They planned crafts, amazing snacks, games, and English lessons. While we didn’t get to do everything they planned, the kids loved every second that the group was here (with the exception of the celery snack which might have been one of the funniest things I have seen).
            Day one and day two went by normally. On day three I gave the gospel after the parables and told the kids that if they wanted to know more about salvation they could stay after. The Holy Spirit convicted 5 kids to stay after.
            I did not give a light and fluffy talk to them. I told them from the get go that this meant surrendering the rest of their lives to Christ. No turning back.
            4 decided that they were not ready for that commitment. But Katerine stayed. She was the first kid to accept Christ since December. And she is one of three kids that I would say I have the deepest connection with. She is like a daughter to me. I know I have no kids so I cannot know what it is like to have flesh and blood children, but I would do anything for her and her cousins Martha and Luis. They have the roughest family situations and they are the ones that God has changed the most in the last two years.
Katerine and me
              Day four came and we did the same thing; Bible story followed by the gospel. Once again a large group stayed behind. One of those that stayed behind was Shirley who had stayed behind the day before but decided that she wasn’t ready to give everything to Christ. I later found out from Steve that she said she had been thinking about Christ non-stop since yesterday. At home, at school, and on the bus. She gave her life to Christ that day, along with Johanna who I invited as I walked down the street the previous week. Luis and Carla brought the total for the day to 4 kids!

Shirley overjoyed.
Luis Fernando
            Day five and again a large group of kids stayed after. One of them was Vanessa, Shirley’s best friend. Shirley urged her to stay after and she did. So did Shirley’s brother, David. I explained to gospel and it was clear that Vanessa got it right away. She gave her life to Christ, but the others either didn’t understand that salvation is free or they didn’t take the conversation seriously. I let them go to craft and David, who had also stayed behind the previous day wouldn’t leave the classroom. “I need to get this” he told me.

            So we talked until he got it and he joyfully gave his life to Christ. After our previous conversations I would ask him, “if you die today, where will you be?” and he would answer “hell”. After he finally understood that salvation didn’t depend on him I asked him, “if you die today, where will you be?” and he said “with Christ!”

            Brittany stayed after as well. She has been the most anti-“free salvation” kid at the club. She would critique other kids for abandoning the saints. She told me on multiple occasions that salvation was not free, and that only good people got to heaven. So I asked her what made her change her mind. She essentially told me that hearing it straight from the Bible she had to believe it. Salvation was a free gift and she wanted it. By the end of the week 8 kids had come to Christ!

            As we rode back to the orphanage where we were staying I said, “I don’t know what I have been doing wrong. No kids have come to Christ since December. I give the gospel and they don’t listen. Why now? Why this week?” I don’t know if they noticed, but I looked out the window and cried. I was so overwhelmed with how good God is. So happy to know that 8 kids that I love are all going to be in heaven with me again one day. This is not the last time I will see them. And so happy to know that these kids are going to be with Christ! He bought them at a great price, and they recognized it.

            On Monday there was no story planned so I went through some verses with the kids, explained what it means to call myself a Christian, and invited them to follow Christ again. Luis Sayay and Bryan stayed after and both gave their lives to Christ. 10. 10 kids decided that it is worth surrendering their lives to Christ because He surrendered His life for them. And I cannot explain the emotions that overcome me. One kid would have been amazing, but God used me and the group that came down to bring 10 people into God’s kingdom. If you have prayed for me and the kids, if you have supported me with cards, money, or with a visit, God used you to accomplish this amazing work! This is why I am here. This is why I do what I do. This is why many of you have chosen to sacrifice time and money to support this work! God blesses us when we are faithful. And what a blessing this is!
Luis Sayay
            I asked why. Why now? Why this week? Why not any of the other weeks? Why not any of the other countless times they heard the gospel in the past few months? Was I too busy? Was I not in tune with the Spirit? Was it just because the group was here? What was it?? And the only answer I have is that, it was time. The harvest was ready. God allowed my friends to be part of this amazing experience and I am SO THANKFUL that they were! God works all things for His purposes and He does not use my timing. His ways are perfect and mysterious.
            As I get ready to go back to Canada in July I am more confident than ever that the future of these kids is in God’s hands. I often worry what will happen when I leave. I wonder how these kids will grow in Christ and how they will keep religion and relationship separate. But God has all the kids in His hands, and I trust Him to care for them. I will be praying for them constantly, and I ask that you do the same. Prayer does work. Prayer does make a difference. Prayer is strong. Please pray!
            And please pray for me. This is going to be a very hard and emotional month. I cried like a baby last June and I knew that I was going to be back in September. This time, knowing I will not be back, I am nervous about the wreck I will be. The kids already cry when I mention that I am not going to be back next year. Pray. Please.
            Thanks again for every one of you who have supported me in any way! But my biggest thanks goes right to God! He brought me here. He led you to support me. He did all the work and He will continue doing it! Praise our Almighty God who is so faithful!

All the kids on day one with the puppets they made. Thanks craft-lady, Cassandra!

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Catholic vs Evangelical. The Litmus test for Christians

            I have been neglecting writing this for a while now. Neglecting it because I know I am going to offend people. I didn’t want anyone to think I am too liberal or too conservative. I didn’t want anyone to argue with me. But I’ve been thinking about this a lot this week. And I am finally writing it because I was reminded that if I speak the truth in love, people are still going to get offended, but at least I am speaking the truth.
            I have been living in Ecuador for almost two years now. During my time here I have been doing an internship for my school, Columbia Bible College. That means one thing: homework. And part of that homework is to really take a look at culture and religion in the country I am working in. In Ecuador, the religion is Catholicism.
            There’s no avoiding it. It’s everywhere. Images of Jesus dying on a cross. Statues of virgins and saints. Even Baby Jesus is worshiped, which was a very new idea to me. Mary is the Mother of God, making her God as well. I was disgusted. Not only were these statues worshiped, but many followers lived their lives with next to no religious conviction. They could do what they wanted and ask for forgiveness later. What a mess!
"Say NO to idolatry"
            When people asked me if I was Catholic I proudly proclaimed that NO! Indeed I was an Evangelical! This attitude carried over into my work with the kids at the club. I spent a lot of time discussing what was wrong with Catholicism. Idol worship, purgatory, priests, and Mary were all on my chopping block! How could the Catholics let the church become so corrupted?!
            I started spending more of my time with Evangelical Ecuadorians and wow did my superiority complex reach new heights! Most of my Evangelical friends had converted from Catholicism and had lists of reasons why the Catholics were wrong. The really bad word that was ascribed to them was “religious.” Ew. Good Evangelicals hate that word! It is dirty and reeks of false teaching!
            Then, over the summer, a man that I spoke to regularly at church in Quito who had been a missionary here for more than 20 years committed suicide. It was horrible. He had gone back to Kelowna which was where I was going to be working at camp for the summer, and we had made plans for me to stop by his place and visit. I didn’t make it to his house and only a few weeks later he was gone.
            Suicide is a tough issue. It isn’t really addressed in the Bible. There is no commandment that says, “Thou shalt not commit suicide.” I really didn’t know what my theological opinions on the subject were.
            One evening I was sitting down with some Evangelical friends who I respect very much and the topic of this missionary came up. One of them said to me, “Can you believe it? He committed suicide and now he is in hell!”
            Wait, what???? Hell?? Where did that come from? I thought that Evangelicals got all their theology right from the Bible...
            Over the next few weeks I found myself more and more uncomfortable with the way Evangelicals were glorified (among the Evangelicals). I was on the bus and the man next to me started a conversation. When he asked me why I was in Ecuador I told him I was a missionary. “Missionary?” he said. “I’ve never heard of that. What is it?”
            “It is a person who has a mission from God to tell people about Him.”
            “Oh! You’re a Catholic!”
            “Well no…I’m a Christian.”
            “What do you mean? A Christian?”
            It wasn’t until I explained that I was an Evangelical that he knew what I was talking about. I thought that was so weird. Why couldn’t I just call myself a Christian and people would know what I was talking about?
            That night again I was sitting down with my Evangelical friends. I explained the odd conversation on the bus. “Well of course he was confused. You are either Catholic or Evangelical.”
            I was taken aback. Something seemed off. Our conversation continued and the gist of it was, “Robbie, you are an Evangelical. Evangelicals have good doctrine and Catholics have bad doctrine. They have idols and we don’t. They pay penance and we don’t. They have doctrine that comes from outside of the Bible and we don’t. You are an Evangelical, and when you work with the kids your objective should be to get them to be Evangelicals.”
            I suddenly saw the title of “Evangelical” as just that: a title. It can be something to hide behind. As long as you have the right title you are okay. Catholics think Catholics are right. Evangelicals think Evangelicals are right. But let’s take a closer look at Evangelicals, shall we (seeing as the majority of those reading would consider themselves such).

            We have no idols. Yeah right. We may not bow down to worship a statue, but we certainly have a whole list of things that we care more about than God! I have idols in my life, and some of them I have gone to extremes to rid myself of. Others I have gone to extremes to justify. There is always something else creeping in to take the coveted place of God, and it will be a life-long battle to rid myself of idols.

           We don’t pay penance. It is true that we do not give money to the church to release our dead from purgatory. We don’t physically beat ourselves to please God. But don’t we often dwell on the guilt and work hard to make God happy again? Aren’t we often convinced that God loves us less or wants nothing to do with us when we fall into sin, but that He is happy and proud when we are “righteous?” How many times have we prayed and told God that if He would just do this one thing for us in our lives we would be different? Penance comes in many forms, yet somehow we are blinded to our own version.

            We don’t have false doctrine. HAHAHAHAHA Yeah right!!!! You can go to a thousand churches anywhere in the world and find people who base their doctrine on human feelings and ways of thinking instead of the Word of God! In North America some of the falsest doctrine comes straight out of the Evangelical church! The prosperity gospel is self-serving and empty. Its only goal is to win people over. To get numbers. Universalism is built on human ideals of love and goodness. Ideals that have been projected onto God in an attempt to make Him more palatable. What about smaller things? Our opinions on suicide. Our rules about when and how we pray (You can’t eat because we haven’t prayed yet). Our snap judgments we make about other people based on the denomination they belong to or originate from. We all get that theological superiority complex at one time or another. Yet somehow we think it’s okay. And how much of this do we get from the Bible? How much of it is just our tradition?

            What I have learned this year is that God doesn’t care about a title. While we hate the word "religious" we will find that we can be just as religious as anyone else. There may be people reading this who think they know Christ, but when they see Him face to face the Lord will deny ever knowing them. 

Matthew 7:21-23
Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’  Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

            I don’t say that to judge. I say that to emphasize that a title will never save you! Call yourself a Christian all you want, but if there is no fruit in your life, then how could you possibly call yourself His? If there has been no renewing of your mind then how can you say that you have been transformed and know God's will (Romans 12:2)? If you live however you want and hide behind a title, how can you say that you are a follower of Christ? Isn't that what the word 'Christian' means?
            I have been there. I had hidden behind a title for years! But I am not interested in being an Evangelical anymore! I long to know Christ for who He is and serve Him the way he calls me to in the Bible. I want to be filled with a love for God that causes me to practice true religion by looking “…after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep [myself] from being polluted by the world (James 1:27). I long to see others meet Christ and follow Him. Not to see them conform to a denomination or a mold.
            God doesn't care about your title. He doesn't care about the group of people you hang out with. God looks at our hearts and our actions. The two need to be aligned with Him. If they are not, whether you are Catholic, Evangelical, or any other variety of Christ follower, you may want to re-evaluate whether or not you truly know Him.

            Again,  objective in writing this is not to judge or condemn. Christ didn't come to the world to do that (John 3:17). I hope to perhaps help guide us back to Christ and to re-evaluate the ways we share the gospel with others. People should be drawn to Christ through us! Not sucked into legalism or conformity to our own ways of doing things. It is all about true relationship with God, and the process of getting to know Him as we follow Him, and Him alone, on the road to eternity.

Friday 29 March 2013

Holy Spirit Who?

God is ONE!
I think we have lost that in most church circles. God has been neatly divided into three separate parts. The Father spends His time in Heaven. Jesus is the relatable man-God. The Holy Spirit is the power of God in us.
I have been supremely challenged on this as of late.

I read a book this week called “Forgotten God” by Francis Chan. I was suffering in my relationship with God. I longed to see His Spirit alive in me yet I saw very little evidence of Him. Occasionally I felt Him leading me one way or another, but where were the miraculous results of His power in my life. Didn't His power live in me? Why wasn't He doing the things I was begging Him to do?

My view of God (especially the Holy Spirit) was all wrong. As I read through the pages of the book I was seeing the Holy Spirit in ways I never imagined I would. How could I have been so blind to this before?

GOD IS ONE. Perhaps the most poignant point I got from Francis’ book was brought to light through a common Christmas verse.

For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6 (NIV)

This is talking about Jesus, right? But I never noticed before that Jesus is also called in this verse the Wonderful Counselor (commonly used to refer to the Holy Spirit) and Everlasting Father!! While there are three distinct parts, they are all one. They cannot be separated.

But what really hit me hard was the reality that the Holy Spirit is not just the power of Christ in me, but God Himself indwelling me. And it is Him who guides me. When I tell God everything I expect from Him I don’t allow Him to lead me. His ways are mysterious. His ways are above mine. And so, as I steal the control from God the Holy Spirit He is not allowed to manifest Himself.

As I reflect on all the times in my life where the Holy Spirit has guided me it has always been when I am ready to fully surrender to Him, and not when I have a list of expectations. He has also led me most clearly when I am not asking for a 1, 5, or 10 year plan. He doesn’t work that way.  HHiiiWhen he asked Abraham to pick up his things and move, He didn’t even tell Abraham where he was going! The Holy Spirit is spontaneous! He leads us moment by moment and we need to be ready to follow Him.

I recently (as in last night) had my most vivid, real, and close encounter with God. I hesitate to talk about it because I know many people reading this would not be comfortable with it. But God has shown me this week that He is with me. That He has not abandoned me. He has shown me that He is God Himself, living in me and working through me.

I know I have not written an update lately, and perhaps that is because not much has happened as of late. The routine of the kids club is not necessarily something that I feel I can write about monthly. But forgive me for having been quiet for so long. God has been doing great things in the lives of the kids who come. He has been changing lives and changing families. But please do not give any credit to me or anyone else who works with the kids. God has done miracles through us, and I am proud to have been a part of the work of God where I am at.
Have you seen God at work through you lately? Are you following the lead of the Holy Spirit? I pray that you are!

Please keep me in prayer. I will not be returning to Ecuador next year. I go home on the 17th of July, and to be honest, I am looking forward to sharing what God has done in my life with others. I have a renewed passion for the church. That passion is to see a passion for God that goes FAR beyond the consumerist “me me me” church that can be found all over the world (and dare I say, especially in North America?). The church was always intended to be an outward flowing of Gods grace through us. Unfortunately it has become a “what about me?” church that seeks to feed the believer, while the believer rarely goes out and feeds those who really need it!

Please pray for my finances. As of right now I am receiving about $400 a month. What a blessing it is to have support. But this doesn’t even cover my basic needs. I only have 4 months left.

And most of all, please pray for the kids! They are learning a lot, but I long to see more souls won for Christ! Also pray for their family situations. Some of the kids have been very open with me about things happening at home. Pray that they will be filled with the Spirit and able to face these situations with love and courage. And pray that we in leadership would take the right actions to help the kids. It can be a messy process.

Thank-you all for reading and I hope you have been encouraged to seek the Spirit more! He is the lifeblood of the believer and the Church. If we do not know Him, then we do not know the Father or the Son either.


Wednesday 19 December 2012

An Early Christmas Present

Over the past year and a half, I have wondered why I am here in Ecuador. Satan has done an amazing job at hiding the truth of the gospel behind the walls of a supposedly “Christian” church that teaches its followers that to gain salvation one needs to be baptized, be confirmed, and take communion at least once. A church that teaches that the souls of the dead hang around and cause all the bad things that happen in an individual’s life. A church that teaches that God doesn’t save all. He only saves the good ones. It has been so hard to get the kids to separate religious dogmas from the truth of the gospel.
After my first year, I doubted my call to come back. I felt that everything I said fell on deaf ears. But I knew from the very beginning that if anything was going to come of the work, the Holy Spirit was going to have to do it all! I can’t take credit for anything that has happened with these kids. I went into this situation with poor Spanish and almost no experience working with kids in a school-like setting. I’ve been praying for these kids. I’ve been pouring myself into these kids. All the while, Christ has been my example. I’ve been quick to forgive and I’ve tried to be slow to anger.
One thing I was certain of was that I did not want to be rash with the gospel. I have seen too many people present the gospel in such a way that nothing is demanded of the listener. It is a gospel that seeks to add numbers, not find true seekers of Christ! I’ve been very clear with the kids that once they decide to follow Jesus, he demands their ALL! Down to their very lives. I’ve been open with them about the fact that saying a prayer doesn’t save them. True belief and surrender to Christ does.
Things have been coming to a head lately. It started when I went out to visit with a missionary couple with Action who run a similar club to what I run, but on a much larger scale. While I was visiting with them we saw tens of thousands of people doing an all-night walk to visit the statue of a virgin. Supposedly she grants miraculous healings. I watched the way the missionaries dealt with the issue of idolatry in the club and it was very counter cultural to me.
In Canada we are told to sugarcoat everything. We cannot offend. If they believe in idol worship, let’s respect that and focus on what unifies us. But this goes against what the Bible teaches. How can we watch as people who claim to follow Christ choose to worship a statue over their Maker? At what point do we stand up for truth? I realized that day that I was not standing up for truth the way I ought to all because I was scared to offend. I was scared that a parent might come to the club to talk to me, or worse, that the local priest would stop by. But those would just be more opportunities to teach truth! I learned a lot from this missionary couple in only two short days.
            Upon returning to my kids I was surprised to learn that about half of them had gone on this walk to the virgin of Quinche. They all had necklaces on with her image. We opened the Bible and read the ten commandments out loud. Then we read Psalm 120 which talks about those who worship idols as being as useless as the idols they worship. It hit the kids hard. They’re not taught this in Catechism.
The next day, all but one girl returned to the club without their necklaces. They had become convicted and they acted accordingly. Over the following week I explained the gospel as clearly as I could. I emphasized the grace of God and I contrasted it with much of what they have been taught about salvation. No response.
I could have made the gospel more appealing I suppose. I could have left out the part about surrendering everything about themselves to God. I could have only talked about God’s love and then lead them in a prayer. But I’m not interested in numbers. I’m interested in seeing a genuine change in the lives of these children for the glory of God.
Today, the Holy Spirit was with me. This whole “the world is going to end on Friday” thing has opened the kid’s ears to the gospel in a whole new way. They are thinking about death and the afterlife. Se we needed to talk about it. One of the kids was certain she was saved because the Catholic Church has baptized her and confirmed her. Her brother insisted that thieves and murderers cannot go to heaven because they are not good enough. I used the illustration of the thief on the cross to explain the gospel. He never had an opportunity to be baptized, to take communion, or to be confirmed. Worse still, he was a thief! Yet simply by confessing that Christ was God he went to heaven that very day.
            Again, I wasn’t going to force anything. I simply told the kids that if they wanted to know Christ and to be forgiven for their sins then they could talk to me privately. You can imagine my elation when two girls, Carla and Gabriela, came to me after the club and said that they wanted to talk to me more about salvation. We sat down together and four more kids sat down with us. I asked them what they understood about the gospel. They were too shy to speak. So I explained it again. Carla got it. The others still seemed confused. Praise God I had an Ecuadorian friend there to help me today. I turned to Glenda and asked her to explain the gospel. She used the colour system (black, red, white, green, yellow). They seemed to be getting it. I emphasized (probably about 10 times) that any prayer we say does not save them. It is the first step in a life of surrender. God’s salvation comes when we repent, but that doesn’t mean we get to live how we want. I explained the gospel one more time and had each of the kids explain it back to me in their own words. Not all of them could do it, but some of them could.
It would have been impossible to make them each say a prayer in their own words (because of how shy they all get about prayer). So I decided that I would say a prayer for them, and I had them repeat those things in their hearts to God. After praying I told them that this was the first day of the rest of their lives. That from now on their lives are not their own, but God’s and that they need to be ready and willing to do anything for Him. I also told them that they should each go home and say a private prayer to God in their own words, and then to keep the line of communication open with Him. They now had his Holy Spirit and had new power to face life and all of its trials. Last but not least, I told them to share their faith with others. They had salvation from sin and that is something they cannot keep to themselves.
As I left the club I was overwhelmed by the fact that 6 children had just made confessions of faith!! SIX! After a year and a half, God gave me my first ever harvest. I was saying “praise God” as I walked down the street! God does amazing things in the lives of people. He times everything perfectly.
Please be praying for all six of the children who made professions of faith today! Magda, Martha, Carla, Gabriela, Wendy, and Christian. They are all between the ages of 8 and 11. This was just a first step. Now I have until June to continue discipling them. I long to see them grow in their faith and fall in love with Jesus over the next few months.